- Forest Resources Inventory Section
- Periodic inventories of forests (NFI, FMU inventory, CF Inventory, NWFP Inventory and LFMP Inventories)
- Analysis of inventory data
- Technical backstopping for inventory related activities
- Enhanced climate resilience of the forestry sector (Reduce Emission from Degradation and Deforestation (REDD+), National Adaptations plans)
- Forest Clearance and Service Section
- APA and Policy Works (Strategies, FYP, Progress reporting, etc.)
- G2C
- National Forest Information and GIS Section
- Spatial Data (Forest Cover Mapping, MRV, SDSS, Remote Sensing)
- Forest Monitoring and Evaluation Section
- Monitoring of Forest Management Regimes (FMU, LFMAs, WSs, CFs, NWFP Groups, PA Network)
- METT+ (Monitoring Effectiveness Tracking Tool)
- Plantation monitoring and evaluation