- Forest and Nature Conservation Rules and Regulations, 2023 (3522 downloads )
- Forest and Nature Conservation Acts of Bhutan 2023 (10989 downloads )
- Forest and Nature Conservation Rules, 2006 (11790 downloads )
- Biodiversity Act of Bhutan, 2003 (12591 downloads )
- Environmental Assessment Act of Bhutan, 2000 (12225 downloads )
- Forest and Nature Conservation (Amendment) Rules and Regulations of Bhutan 2020 (12146 downloads )
- Water Act of Bhutan, 2011 (11687 downloads )
- National Environment Act, 2007 (11963 downloads )
- Land Act of Bhutan, 2007 (12430 downloads )
- Forest and Nature Conservation Act, 1995 (12130 downloads )
- Forest Policy of Bhutan, 2011 (1659 downloads )
- Forest and Nature Conservation Rules and Regulations of Bhutan 2017 (3506 downloads )
- FNCRR (Amendment) 2020 & 2021 (12218 downloads )
- Royalty on Forests Produce, 2006 (12060 downloads )
- Timber marketing & Pricing Policy, 1999 (11543 downloads )
- Forests and Nature Conservation (Amendment) Rules and Regulations of Bhutan, 2022 (Fishing Rules) (2836 downloads )