The Divisional Forest Office, Wangdue would like to invite all interested individuals/parties for an open auction on timber extraction (Broadleaved tree species) from Road Right …….
The Divisional Forest Office, Wangdue would like to invite all interested individuals/parties for an open auction on timber extraction (Broadleaved tree species) from Road Right …….
The Divisional Forest Office, Samtse would like to invite all interested individuals/parties for an open auction on extraction and disposal of approximately 40 numbers dead …….
The Divisional Forest Office, Gedu would like to re-invite expression of interests from eligible Bhutanese firms or private parties for allotment of following scientific thinning …….
The Divisional Forest Office, Bumthang would like to invite expression of interests from eligible Bhutanese firms or private parties for allotment of following scientific thinning …….
The management of Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS) would like to re-notify all eligible Bhutanese firms or private parties for allotment of following scientific thinning site …….
The office of Jomotsangkha Wildlife Sanctuary (JWS) would like to re-notify all eligible Bhutanese firms or private parties for allotment of following scientific thinning sites …….