National Strategy & Technical guidelines

Forest and Nature Conservation Management Code of Best Practices

  1. Volume I (5227 downloads )
  2. Volume II (5086 downloads )
  3. Volume III (5484 downloads )
  4. Volume IV (4855 downloads )
  5. Volume V (4928 downloads )
  6. Volume VI (5056 downloads )


Forest Monitoring and Evaluation Documents

  1. Forest Monitoring & Evaluation Framework 2024 (310 downloads )


Strategy, Guidelines, Action Plan & Manual

  1. Modality for allotment of sites and extraction of timber from Phase II Scientific Thinning through private sector - Oct, 2024 (2877 downloads )
  2. Timber Export Guideline - October 2024 (1875 downloads )
  3. Forest Canopy Cover Assessment Guidelines 2024 (3304 downloads )
  4. Asiatic Black Bear Conservation Action Plan (2023-2033) (8407 downloads )
  5. Conservation Action Plan for Hornbills of Bhutan (2023-2033) (5461 downloads )
  6. National Human Wildlife Conflict Management Strategy of Bhutan (2018 to 2028) (5377 downloads )
  7. NRPC guidelines (3727 downloads )
  8. Guideline for Wildlife Habitat Management (972 downloads )
  9. Guideline for Open Auction of sites for Surface Collection & RDM Dredging for Export, 2021 (11145 downloads )
  10. Forest Resource Potential Assessment, 2013 (11047 downloads )
  11. Forest Fire Management Strategy of Bhutan, 2013 (11256 downloads )
  12. Framework For Management and Marketing of Non-Wood Forest Products (2022) (8810 downloads )
  13. National REDD Strategy & Action plan, 2020 (3351 downloads )
  14. National Strategy for the Development of Non-Wood Forest Products 2020 (8815 downloads )
  15. National Strategy for Community Forestry, 2019 (0 downloads )
  16. National Strategy for Plantation and Forest Nursery, 2019 (11168 downloads )
  17. Action Plan for Bhutan's National Forest Monitoring System for REDD+ under the UNFCCC, 2015 (597 downloads )
  18. Tiger Action Plan for Bhutan (2018-2023) (3387 downloads )
  19. Community Forestry Field Manual, Third Edition, 2018 (10856 downloads )
  20. National Strategy for Community Forestry - The Way Ahead, 2010 (11129 downloads )
  21. Cordyceps harvesting guideline, 2018 (11061 downloads )
  22. Dendrochronology Manual, 2017 (11171 downloads )
  23. Elephant Conservation Action Plan for Bhutan, 2018-2028 (605 downloads )
  24. Guidelines for Community Forests and NWFP group networks formation, 2018 (11206 downloads )
  25. Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation of Plantation and Forest Nursery, 2019 (11092 downloads )
  26. Guideline for Management of Agar-wood Nursery and Plantation in Bhutan, 2020 (11132 downloads )
  27. Laboratory manual for Aboveground understory and Soil Organic Carbon Analysis (11150 downloads )
  28. Manual for Logging and Timber Harvesting in Community Forests, 2016 (3050 downloads )
  29. Guidelines for Monitoring & Evaluation of Community Forestry, 2016 (11172 downloads )
  30. Field Manual National Forest Inventory of Bhutan 2020 (10005 downloads )
  31. Red Panda Conservation Action Plan for Bhutan (2018-2023) (618 downloads )
  32. Revised Norms and Standards for Plantation, 2020 (11394 downloads )
  33. Forestry Field Manual for Bhutan - Silviculture and Other Forestry Operations, second edition, 2016 (11159 downloads )
  34. Snow Leopard Conservation Action Plan for Bhutan, (2018-2023) (11005 downloads )
  35. Marketing Guidelines for Wood-based Products from Community Forests, 2017 (1945 downloads )
  36. HEC SAFE system Strategy (11171 downloads )
  37. WBH Conservation Action Plan, 2022-2031 (10997 downloads )
  38. National Forest Inventory Data Management Protocol (10032 downloads )
  39. Implementation Modality for NFI of Bhutan, 2021 (10007 downloads )
  40. Bhutan NFI Open Foris Collect User Manual (126 downloads )
  41. Guideline for Open Auction of Sites for Surface Collection and RBM Dredging for Export, 2021 (9627 downloads )
  42. Protected Area Zonation Guidelines of Bhutan, 2020 (8129 downloads )
  43. Guidelines for Classifying and Managing Key Biodiversity Areas in Bhutan, 2020 (5799 downloads )

Fishing Technical Guidelines

  1. Delineation of Mahseer Water and Trout Water in Bhutan (10983 downloads )
  2. Delineation of High-end Recreational Fishing Sites on Mahseer water in Bhutan (11168 downloads )
  3. Delineation of High-end Recreational Fishing Sites on Trout and Mahseer water in Bhutan (11092 downloads )
  4. Guide to Availing Fishing Permits Online (11140 downloads )

NFI documents

  1. Aboveground-Tree-Biomass-Density-Mapping-for-pilot-sites-of-Thimphu-and-Paro-Dzongkhag-Bhutan-using-NFI-and-ALOS-PALSAR-2-Mosaic-data (9853 downloads )
  2. Allometric-Biomass-Equations-2018 (10021 downloads )
  3. Measurement-Reporting-and-Verification-MRV-System-to-support-REDD-Bhutan (9709 downloads )
  6. Juniperus_recurva_VOLUME EQUATION TO ESTIMATE MERCHANTABLE VOLUME (9853 downloads )
  7. Picea spinulosa_VOLUME EQUATION TO ESTIMATE MERCHANTABLE VOLUME (9906 downloads )
  8. Pinus roxburghii_VOLUME EQUATION TO ESTIMATE MERCHANTABLE VOLUME (9893 downloads )
  9. Pinus wallichiana__VOLUME EQUATION TO ESTIMATE MERCHANTABLE VOLUME (9838 downloads )
  10. Quercus lanata__VOLUME EQUATION TO ESTIMATE MERCHANTABLE VOLUME (9887 downloads )

