- The focal section of the park management to deal with any issues and matters pertaining to park’s resource use, allocation, and control
- The focal section of the park management to deal with any issues and matters pertaining to community forestry, private forestry, NTFP collection, and land lease in the park
- The focal section of the park management for silviculture techniques, resource inventory, forestry offences related to non-wild animal resources, and Forestry Act and Rules revision
- Allocate park resources and issues forestry clearance to applicants inside those park ranges that are not delegated the power of Chief Forest Officer (CFO) by the Department as per Forests & Nature Conservation Act, latest rules, circulars, and notifications
- Process issuance of forestry clearance for those activities that are specifically empowered to CFO
- Forward to the Department those applications for forestry clearance and timber sanctions that are beyond the power delegated to CFO
- Coordinate and process all land lease issues and applications, and effect fees as per rules and schedule of rates
- Review all applications for community forestry (CF), private forestry (PF), and NTFP collections and submit recommendations to CFO
- Develop database of all CFs, PFs, and NTFP enterprises in the park in close collaboration with Dzongkhag Forest Officers, Geog Forestry Extension Officers, and PROs
- Develop database of all clearances issued, timber and non-timber forest products issued, and forestry offence cases related to non-wild animal resources in the park
- Compile all issues and ambiguities related to Forest and Nature Conservation Act, Rules, Circulars, and Notifications and submit to CFO on half yearly basis
- Organize regular monitoring and inspection of CFs, PFs, timber marking, NTFP collections, land encroachment, and infrastructure developments in the park
- Conduct inventory of park’s timber and non-timber resources as and when deemed necessary
- Distribute to Park Range and Sub-Park Range Offices all circulars, amendments, notifications, and schedules related to forestry rules and act and non-wildlife matters and issues
- Officiate CFO as and when deemed necessary
- The Section Office should be well equipped with computers, printers, survey equipments, field reference books, management plans, operational plans, and project documents
- The Section Head should hold at least a Sr. Forest Ranger position with working experiences as the Park Range Officer or Territorial Forest Ranger for minimum of 2 years
- The Section Head should be well versed with Forest & Nature Conservation Act, latest Rules, circulars, and notifications from the Department and Government
Working Arrangements:
- The Section Head is directly answerable to and will work under direct supervision of the Park Manager/CFO unless stated otherwise