- Prime unit to oversee all socio-economic activities in the park.
- Focal unit to look after all ICDP activities within park
- The technical unit of the park in terms of forest produces utilization
- The functional link between the conservation and development issues in and around the park
- Identify and implement ICDP activities in and around park
- Should monitor, evaluate and report all ICDP & Extension activities within and around the park
- Sign MoUs with the recipient/beneficiaries of the ICDP activities
- Monitor if the terms and conditions of the MoUs are followed or not in close consultation with the PROs and take timely actions to the defaulters if necessary
- Organize the ICDP Coordination Meetings at the Park HQ and coordinate the same at the PROs
- Conduct socio economic studies and survey within and around the park
- Conduct PRA/RRA in and around the park as and when need arises