Pursuant to the Decision 48-VII-22R adopted by the 7th Session of the AFoCO Assembly, the Secretariat is inviting the Parties to nominate a candidate for the 2024 AFoCO Fellowship Program. In accordance with Guidelines on Expanded Fellowship Program endorsed by the 6th Session of the Assembly, the Secretariat will be selecting four (4) Fellowship Officials for Category I (1-year term) and one (1) Fellowship Official for Category II (2-year term) for the 2024 batch of the Fellowship Program.
Therefore, we kindly request interested officials to send in nominations through respective Chief Forestry Officers to Mrs. Chimi Wangmo, Administrative Assistant, DoFPS before 31st of August 2023. This is for the purpose of conducting interviews and subsequent selection of candidates from Bhutan for the AFoCO Fellowship Program interview.
Copy of the invitation letter from AFoCO and other relevant documents
Guidelines for AFoCO fellowship Programe (428 downloads ) ,
TOR for the fellowship officials under category 1 (389 downloads ) ,
TOR for the fellowship officials under category 2 (321 downloads ) ,
Template for curriculum vitae and personal statement (502 downloads ) ,