Section- Forest Monitoring and Information Division

  1. Forest Resources Inventory Section
    1. Periodic inventories of forests (NFI, FMU inventory, CF Inventory, NWFP Inventory and LFMP Inventories)
    2. Analysis of inventory data
    3. Technical backstopping for inventory related activities
    4. Enhanced climate resilience of the forestry sector (Reduce Emission from Degradation and Deforestation (REDD+), National Adaptations plans)
  1. Forest Clearance and Service Section
    1. APA and Policy Works (Strategies, FYP, Progress reporting, etc.)
    2. OFS
    3. G2C
  2. National Forest Information and GIS Section
    1. FIRMS
    2. Spatial Data (Forest Cover Mapping, MRV, SDSS, Remote Sensing)
    3. SMART
  3. Forest Monitoring and Evaluation Section
    1. Monitoring of Forest Management Regimes (FMU, LFMAs, WSs, CFs, NWFP Groups, PA Network)
    2. METT+ (Monitoring Effectiveness Tracking Tool)
    3. Plantation monitoring and evaluation

